Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The one where she over sleeps..

When I started this journey, I decided to change my life. I knew that to get it to work, I was going to have to change a lot- diet, exercise, food preferences, and state of mind. Well, with the exception of the occasional hiccup, I have the food part down. I'm even starting to eat more veggies more often! As expressed in my last post.. I pretty much have the exercise habit down. Surprisingly enough, the change I have to get used to the most is my state of mind.

I missed the gym this morning. I slept until 6:45 by missing the alarms.. all 3 of them. Now, my initial reaction was guilt. "I can't believe I didn't go to the gym! No matter what time I get home tonight, I HAVE to go to the gym tomorrow morning!" Then, I felt my body. It wasn't sore, but it was heavy. Maybe I over slept because I really needed to sleep. So, I took my guilt and put it away. I'm going out tonight and if I get home too late, I'm giving myself a free pass at the gym as to not fall asleep at my desk (though I will TRY to wake up at 5:30).

At the start of the journey, I promised myself that I would listen to my body. I'd eat when I'm hungry, stop when I'm full, stretch when I needed it, and rest when my body asked for it. It's been a hard concept to wrap my head around. I found myself eating a second helping of chicken last night because I hadn't eaten enough throughout the day and I was hungry.

I've never really cared about myself enough and always burned myself out. This "listening to my body" thing is an effort to keep that from happening. So far? It's working wonders! It keeps me waking up every morning at 5:30 and stops me from ordering junk food every day or week. Knowing I can have anything I want when I really want it.. knowing I can take a day off if I feel I really need it.. it's just so.. I don't know.. liberating?

Today is St. Patrick's Day. Usually this means wearing some form of green- or it did before I got my shamrock tattoo 8 (holy crap!!) years ago. Now I look for something green (I figured as into St. Patty's Day as everyone here is.. they didn't want me wearing my Drunkasaurus green T), deciding on all black.. then flashing my tattoo when confronted. Awesome.

Wow.. THAT certainly wasn't the point. The point is that my work is having an event. The owner of the company is providing food- corned beef and cabbage (bleck!) and desserts (YAY!) for everyone. I'm going to have to balance out what I eat, but dammit! I want cake!!

Alright.. I'm all scatterbrained.. I'll end this here. Henry Rollins tonight!! I'm super stoked!!


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