Monday, May 17, 2010

The one with all the promises..

Welp, I got married. The weather held out wonderfully! It was great to see family and friends and celebrate with everyone!

Our food a the wedding was not the healthiest. J was in charge of ordering it and he ordered for 100 people... we had about 60 (if you include children), so we have so much food left over. I wanted to donate it to a homeless shelter, but J's mom offered to freeze it for us. Though i'm loving the left over buffalo chicken, I'm officially over ziti and chicken parm!

So, I took a break from the diet/weight loss for the wedding- didn't want to stress. I was eating healthy (until this past week) and trying.. but things definitely got out of hand with parties, events, and leftovers. So, I decided to try to combine efforts- I've decided to try a low carb diet combined with whole eating. Low carb is really very good for PCOS (which I have), so I figured might as well give it a shot.

Now, I'm going to start this on Friday, so I have 3 days to get as much information on low carb/healthy eating as possible. I don't eat much meat and don't really want that to change too much. I can replace meals with tofu and eggs. I have my notebook and my pen.. I'm ready to learn!

Anyway, that's all I have for now. I haven't weighed myself... Friday's confession is going to be terrible.. but I'm going to be honest!!

Ok.. I've been out of work for a few days.. I should get back to it.


  1. Oh, I was totally going to suggest, and think I forgot that you get the new book on your kindle and glance it over. It really has everything you need, and it's not long. I would highly recommend it. You can skim if you like, but it really has everything you need to know.

  2. Yay! Congrats on the wedding. I'm so happy for you!!! :-)

  3. It's called "The New Atkins..." since blogger hates making amazon links linky apparently.
