Friday, April 30, 2010

The one where caffeine made her forget what she wrote...

Good morning! I'm not feeling very well today and I'm not entirely sure what it is. I had a chai tea which may have had too much caffeine for me. I'm kinda flying high. Then again, it could be the green monster I had today, or the chia seeds I added to it. Who knows, really.

I've been blogging my foods in another blog. It's been really fun taking pictures and talking about food! I also like keeping this blog here more about weightloss and life in general. I think eventually the two will merge, but I'm not ready for that yet.

I woke up this morning NOT ready for my day. I could have slept until noon. I don't like this feeling. I really need to start heading back to the gym in the morning. I miss the energy I had from it and need to be less sluggish in the a.m.

The wedding is 2 weeks away and the booked weekends are already starting. I have a bridal shower Saturday, then my mom has asked that she get me for the day on Sunday. I have this feeling that it's more for manual labor than fun wedding stuff, but who knows! Next weekend is supposed to be my bachelorette party.. which is looking more like Anthony and I going out to eat and then getting drunk. If we're able to get more people, then YAY! But honestly, if it's just the two of us.. that would be great, too.

Well, I should get to work. I hope everyone has a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. the idea of exercising in the AM makes me cry a little inside. i can barely walk at 5am!!
