Monday, April 19, 2010


I'm itchy. My chest has been itching me for since about Thursday of last week. I sincerely believe it's nerves.

I'm kinda lost right now with the whole diet/exercise thing. It all seems so big. I'm torn and conflicted regarding what I want. I'm more concerned with health than appearance, but lately the way I've been eating is the opposite of how to achieve either.

I think I need a revamp. I really don't want to go to any extremes and would like to eat -what- I want -when- I want.. but the goal is to not want to, you know?

I'm going to take it one day at a time. I will start tonight by planning for tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will eat a clean and healthy breakfast, a clean and healthy lunch, and a clean and healthy dinner. After that, I'll try again.

I also need to get back to the blog, so I'll update with my progress and planning as time goes on.


  1. I hardly ever post on blogs - but I started following yours after you put it up on the WW boards.

    This post is EXACTLY to the word what I'm feeling and struggling with at the moment. It's comforting and also motivating to know that I'm not alone in this whole thing.

    So thanks...and one day at a time is a perfect pace to take it.

  2. It really is nice to know that other people are feeling the same way, isn't it? I really appreciate the comment because now *I* know I'm not alone. :)

    Good luck today :)
