Monday, May 24, 2010

The one with the first low carb weekend re-cap..

I took the weekend to not eat carbs. I'm not going to lie, I had a moment of "what the hell am I doing??" on Saturday and almost gave up. But, I've committed to 1 month, so I'm going to give it an honest shot.

Well, my wedding weight is gone. Beyond that, I'll report on Friday.

So, I've been eating mainly meat. It's a lot more meat and a far fewer veggies than I had been eating previously. I'm not used to that. On Friday, we had chicken with cheese and bacon. After that, I was immediately over bacon. J and I ended up having bacon wrapped scallops on Saturday. So far, Sunday's dinner was my favorite- eggplant pizzas.

Now, I loaded my pizza with meat and cheese (sorry.. that's how I've *always* liked my pizza), but it was very delicious! It was a fork and knife kind of pizza, but I'm sure I can fiddle with the recipe and make it more "french bread" like. Basically, you cut an eggplant in half- hollow it out, fill it with toppings/sauce of your choice. What I like about this is I can make it for low carb friends, healthy eating friends, and people that don't care about either of that! The strangest part? I hate eggplant.. but it was gooooood!

Rewind. Saturday was the worst day so far. I really wanted some bread. That's all.. a piece of bread. I felt sick and tired and hated this all. Twon said that 2 or 3 days in I would be very sluggish and it would be the worst.. then I would get over that hump and be okay. I'm hoping that was the hump.. 'cause it sucked. Yesterday, I felt okay.. but I had gone out to lunch with my mom and husband. I had a small cup of chili (which while still low carb.. had more carbs than expected) and seared ahi tuna.. which had a sweet sauce that I had to dab off... so maybe that little bit of sugar made the rest of my day better. Plus the eggplant.

So.. that's about all I have for now. I'm hoping the worst is over.. but I promise to freak out if I need to here :)

1 comment:

  1. That all sounds sooo good. Hope your bar appeased your sugar craving yesterday! i could go for a sweet treat myself. i would also love some bacon wrapped scallops right about now! :) Hope your doing well today.
