Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The one with the unnatural disaster!

I'm getting married in 3 days. I'm pretty excited to be married AND to get all this wedding stuff over with!

I'm a pretty laid back kind of girl. The kind of laid back where I go from a year to planning a wedding.. to a month. The kind of laid back where I'm wearing a bridesmaid's dress instead of a wedding dress. The kind of laid back where I'm just now starting to get groomed for the wedding (I really hate tweezing).

Luckily, I had some foresight.

It had been months since I last colored my hair. My roots were looooong. So, I decided to color my hair 1 week before the wedding. I used a color I've used many many times. So, I plop it on my head.. let it sit.. then wash it of. The following is an accurate* account of what happened:
Me: "OH MY GOD!!!!"
Jon: "What??"
M: "Come here! Now!"
J: opens the door, I'm in the shower "What's up?"
M: "MY HAIR IS GREY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
J: "What?"
M: "My hair!!! It's grey!! It is a blue grey silver! I can't believe this!!"
J: "What can I do?"
M: "Go to the store and buy me dark brown hair dye!"
J: "What?"
M: "Hair dye! Now! 2 Boxes!!"
J: "huh?"
M: "I can't believe this is happening!"
J: "Why don't you wash the color out and dry it and see how it looks"
M: "fine."

Fast forward to when my hair is dry. The roots.. blonde. The rest? White with a tint of silver. 1 week before my wedding! Even re-writing that I am filled with anxiety. Sure, I've had bad dye jobs, but when I'm blonde, it's pretty simple and straight-forward. This, was unexpected.

I was up today at 5am to try to fix it. I've blended it better, but it's still silver. Here are my options- Go brown and hope that it covers the silver and doesn't turn the color of brass.. lighten the top and make it look more blendy.. say "eff it" and just not care.

I've decided a combination of the last two. The idea that the brown could turn on me as well is scary. I will try to lighten the top and see if that does anything. If it does not.. I'm not going to worry about it. It happened, my photographer can fix it in photoshop. I'm getting married.. and in 5 days, I'll not have to worry about anything.. 'cause all I'll have is the memory and my husband.

But I'm still freaking out a little... I can't wait to go back to talking about diet and the gym!


  1. I'm sure Jon will love you and marry you whatever shade your hair is. as long as it doesn't have bangs. Then he will run away lol

    it will be nice when it's over! but then the conversation switches over to moving (or not). Boo.

    I should dye *my* hair for the wedding!

  2. It's so true! I should cut my bangs again and wear a veil.. then surprise him with them!!!

    We can dye our hair together.. tonight. it'll be fun
