Friday, April 2, 2010

This blog took me 3 days to write..

Turning 30 is a strange thing to think about every day. Though this blog has focused mainly on diet and exercise, it's entire purpose is to experience turning 30. Now, I have the goal to lose this weight by my 30th birthday, so it's really the only eventful thing happening until my 30th birthday.. well, that and the wedding.. but whatever.

But it's amazing how time flies. 3 months done with the year and i'm down 20 pounds. I'd like it to be more, sure, but admittedly, I've dicked around a bit. I -am- very happy about it.. and my progress. I'm terrified that I'll screw up and gain it back plus more and have a harder time in a few months, but I'm also making changes in my life that should be preventing that- like cooking eggs instead of grabbing fast food!

Last night, J and I were talking about the wedding. We got to the point where we almost decided to scrap all the plans and elope or have a small party this summer. I'm very conflicted on this. That is what I've always wanted, but with the little planning I've done, I've discovered we could have tons of fun with all of our friends and family there- and it is very important to me that my brother and his family come. On a more selfish note, I also want to lose more weight before we stand up in front of everyone.

I'm torn on the issue. I'd love to get it over with and just be married. I'm a no frills kind of gal and would love a no frills kind of day. However, nothing in our relationship has been "normal".. and it might be nice to have a "normal" wedding. I don't know. Just don't be surprised if you look here one day and the words "yeah, we decided to just get hitched.. so that happened" show up on this blog.

In other news, it's gorgeous out today! It's been nothing but rain and floods for a month week and the sun is finally coming out! This weekend is supposed to be rockstar gorgeous which excites me to no end!

Well, time to get myself back to work....

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