Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Yesterday, I felt like poo. This morning, I feel great! I really need to start balancing out my sleep. Going to bed as early as I did last night (asleep by 9:30) really made the difference. Today, I am awake and energized and ready!

I did my 43 minutes on the bike this morning. Just enough time to watch Psych on my iPod. I have to tell you.. I've really started to look forward to these workouts! It's great as an "off day" kind of thing.. no weights.. no running, plus I get to catch up on TV!

So, I resisted the urge to grab Chinese on my way home last night. Both J and I were home unexpectedly (he does poker on Mondays and I do yoga) and had nothing planned for dinner. I ended up just cooking some Healthy Harvest noodles with feta. It was tasty and didn't make me sickly full.

In other news, I read an article yesterday about how Americans don't get enough fiber. So, I'm on a mission to start getting 30+ gm of fiber a day (then to increase). Now, since I really do not like veggies, it'll be a slow process. In the mean time, I'm taking fiber supplements. It also has calcium and vitamin C.. and tastes gross... so I'll be more inclined to get my fiber naturally. Nothing like grossness to beat you into submission.

Have I mentioned my pants are too big? They're not so bad for things like walking or sitting or standing.. but when I go up and down the stairs at work, they start to fall. This is great because.. well.. who doesn't like when they're pants get too big. But it sucks because I don't have pants one size down.. so I have to wait until they're WAY too big before I can adjust.

And that's all I have for now.


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