Friday, February 26, 2010

Me again..

Confession: I don't work hard enough when I exercise. My morning exercise routine consists of 10-15 minutes of cardio at best. I want to get to the point where I'm doing 30-60 minutes of cardio. I know that sounds like a lot, but I want to run, so 60 minutes once or twice a week wouldn't be too bad. Now, even though I do the mini cardio, I do weight training. That generally lasts 20-30 minutes. Ideally, I should be circuit training and doing some cardio in between machines and at the end.

See? I know what I'm supposed to do.. i'm just not doing it! I'm going to formulate a plan this weekend and tackle it head on starting Monday! I know the machines, so I can make a check list. They also have a 30 minute circuit training area I could utilize. We'll see. I'm also thinking that instead of random music on the iPod, I could do a TV show or podcast while I'm on the treadmill or bike to pass the time. I think this is a fantastic idea, but it might end up costing me some $$, so maybe I'll have J rip some shows onto the puter for me.

So, that's what we have. This weekend, I'm going to figure it all out then DO IT all next week. I'll let you know how it's going!

Ok, I promise no more posts today.

Until next time..

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